We believe in particular:
1. That the HOLY BIBLE is the word of God given through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to reveal to man what is the nature and the will of God . It consists of two Testaments of Old Testament (39 books) and New Testament (29 books). It is the final authority in all matters of Christian doctrines, conducts and duties (Ps.19:7-11; Prov.30:5,6; Jer.36:2; Ezek.1:3: Act.1:16;1; II Tim.3:15-17; II Pet.1:20, 21; Rev.14:13; 22:18-19).
2. That there are THREE DIFFERENT AND DISTINCT PERSONS IN THE GOD-HEAD: God the Son-Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit, and that though these are possessing recognisable different personalities and qualities, the three are perfectly united in one (Gen.1:26; 11:7; Mt.3:16 -17; 28:19 Jh.1:1-3; 14:23-26; 15:26; 16:13-15; II Cor.13 :14; I Jh.5:6-9).
3. That GOD is immutable, holy, just, infinite, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, faithful compassionate, and loving. He is creator of heaven and earth, and every persons and things in them (Gen.1:1, 11-26:2:7: 5:2; Exo.15;11; Deut.4:32; Neh.9:6; Ps.86:15;90:2; 102:25; 139:1-2; Prov.3:19; Mal.3:6; Jh.3:16; Acts.17:28; I Thess.5:24).
4. That JESUS CHRIST is the Son of God and the only Saviour of the world , that He was born by a virgin mother. He lived a sinless life, he suffered and was crucified to atone for the sins of man, that he resurrected on the third day and ascended bodily the to right hand of God, and that He will come back in person with the saints in power and great glory to rule over all the nation of the earth for a thousand years (Ps.15:10; 49:15; Isa.7:14; 53;1-12; Matt.1:18-25 3:14-15; 7:55-56; Rom.1:3-4; 4:25; 5:6-11 6:9-10; I Cor.15:3-4, 20).
5. That the HOLY SPIRIT is a personality and that it is through His conviction and regeneration sinners are being saved and made children of God, that believers in Christ have to seek for the manifestation of His fruit, His sanctification, baptism, anointing and His gifts (Jh. 14:26; 15:26,27 16:7-15; Rom.8:11-16 26-27; I Cor.2:9-13; 12:1-11).
6. That the FALL OF ADAM has rendered man sinful, depraved, corrupt, guilty and subject to God’s wrath and condemnation (Gen.2:15-17; 3:6-13, 16-19; 5:3; 6:5; Job. 14:4; Ps.51:5 Isa.43:27; 55;6 Mk.7:21-23; Rom 3:23; 5:12-19; Eph.2:1-3).
7. That REDEMPTION from the power and penalty of sin, the curse of the law, and also from the power of Satan, is solely through the grace of God and the sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus Christ, that a person redeemed is justified or regenerated through faith in the atoning blood of Jesus, standing before God as though he had never sinned and that divine healing and also continuous health are made available through the sacrificial death of Christ (Gen.3:15; Exo.15:26;23:25,26; Deu. 7:15; Ps.22:16-18; 103:1-5 Pro.4:20-22 Isa.7:14; 9:1-7;53:4-5 ;Mt.1:21-23; 8:16-17; Mk.16:15-18; Lk.13:16; Jh.1:29 10:10; 14:12-14 ; 15:13; Acts.2:38; Gal.1:14; 3:13-14; Eph.2:8-9; 5:2; Tit.3:5; I Pt.1:23; Rev.1:5).
8. That REPENTANCE (which is a complete turning away from all sins) is required from every sinner before he can be reconciled with God, and receive the salvation of Jesus Christ (Prov.28:13; Isa.55:7; Ezek .18:21-23; Mk. 1:15; Lk. 13:3, 5; 24:46-47; Acts.2:38; 3:119-20; 20:20-21; II Cor.7:9-10; Heb.6:1-3).
9. That RESTITUTION is the act of making amends for wrong done against our fellow men, restoring stolen things back to their rightful owners, paying debts, giving back where one has defrauded, making confessions to the offended and apologising to those slandered to have conscience void of offence toward God and man (Gen.20:1-18; Exo.22:1-7; Lev.6:1-7; Num.5:6-8; II Sam.12:1-6; Prov.6:31; Ezek.33:14-16; Mt.5:23-24; Lk.19:8-9; Acts.23:1-5, 24; 24:16; Jam.4:17; 5:6).
10. That SALVATION is the deliverance from sin and the power of Satan, and it is given free of charge by God to every sinner who repents of his sins and gives life to Jesus Christ, that the evidences of salvation include, special joy of salvation in the heart, love for God, the things of God and the people of God, a witness of the Holy Spirit in the heart and a complete change of life, and that if a believer sins he will lose his salvation (Ps.51:12-13; 91;16; Isa.45:17; Mt.1:21; Mk.16:15-16; Lk.19:9; Acts.11:13,14,1:31; Rom.6:1-14; 8:14; Rom.10:9; Eph.2:5-10; Phil.2:12-16; 3:7-16; Col.3:1-16).
11. That BAPTISM by IMMERSION IN WATER is to be performed only for those who are born again in order to fulfill all righteousness, that it is essential to our obedience to the commandments of he Lord after salvation and that it is one (not three) immersion “in the name of the father and the Son and of the Holy Ghost as commanded by the Lord” (Mt.3:13-17;28:19-20; Mk.16:16; Acts.2:38; 8:12,36-39;10:48; 19:2-5; Rom.6:3-5; I Cor10:1-2).
12. That the LORD’S SUPPER was instituted by Jesus Christ Himself, that all believers are expected to partake of it “to show the Lords death till He comes,” that “unleavened bread” and “fruit of the vine” are to be used for it, and that anyone who eats and drinks it unworthily eats and drinks damnation to himself (Exo.12:8,15,17-20; Mt.26:26-30; Mk.14:22-23; Lk.22;17-20; I Cor. 5:6-9; 11:17-34).
13. That ENTIRE SANCTIFICATION is a definite act of Gods grace subsequent to the New Birth, by which the believers heart is purified and made holy. To receive it a believer will have to separate not only from sins but also from al the appearance of evil and will have to dedicate and consecrate all that he is and has to God and then pray by faith to God for it, the evidence of sanctification is holiness in thoughts, words and actions. Sanctification can be lost through carelessness or sin (Gen.17:1; Lev.20:7; Deut.30:6; Lk.1:74-75; Jh.17:14-23; Acts.20:32; Eph.5:25-27; I Thess. 4:3, 7-8; 5: 22-24; Titus.2:11-14; Heb.2:11; 10:10, 14; 12; 14; I Pet.1:14-16; I Jh. 1:9).
14. That the BAPTISM WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT is the experience through which te Christ is empowered b te Holy Spirit for divine service. The main evidences of this are speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance and power for service (Isa.28:11-12;55:1-2; Joel.2:28-29; Mt.3:11-12; Mk.1:8; Lk.3:16-17; 11:9-13; Jh. 1:30-34; 14::26; Acts.1:4-8; 8:14-17; 10:44-46; 19:1-6; I Cor.12:13; Eph.4:11-14).
15. That the MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES OF A BELIEVER include praying always; reading ,searching, studying and practice of e Bible; fellowship with other children of God and preaching of Jesus to other people both through personal evangelism and mass evangelism (where and when possible) (Ps.119:-19; 84:1-12; Lk.18:1-8; Acts.2:41-47; Mt.9:36-38; 24:14;28:19-20; Mk.16:15-20; Jh.4:35; Acts.20:20, 31; II Tim.4:2; Ps.126:5-6; Ezek.3:17-18; I Cor.9:16-17).
16. That MARRIAGE is a divine institution and it is binding for life, that it is institution for companionship, avoidance of fornication, and procreation, that believers are not allowed to marry unbelievers, that polygamy and divorce and remarriage are against the will of God (Gen.2:18-24;20:3-7; Deut.7:14; Jos.23:11-13; Prov.31:10-31; Eccl.4:9-11; Jer.29:6; Mal.2:14-16; Mt.5:31-32;19:3-9; Mk.10:2-12; Lk.16:18; Jb.4:15-19; Rom.7:-2-3; I Cor.7:2-3,10-11; II Cor.6:14-18; Eph.5:31-33: Heb.13:4).
17. That TITHES AND OFFERINGS are part of the requirements of God from His people even under the New Testament, and it is to be given individually, joyfully , willingly, proportionately, and without ostentation (Gen.14:18-20; Num.18:28; Lev.27:30-33; Deut.15:11; Prov.3:9-10;21:13; Mal.3:8-10; Mt.6:34;23:23;25:40; Lk.6:38; 11:42; I Cor.16:2: II Cor.9:6-12).
18. That JESUS CHRIST WILL COME SOON. The first phase of His coming commonly called the “rapture” will be to take Himself His saints both dead and living and the second phase will be to come back to te world with His saint to reign for one thousand years (Mt.24:36; Lk.17;26-37; 21:34-36; Jh.14:1-3; I Cor.15:57-58;Phil.3:11,20,21; I Thess.4:13-18;5:4-9; II Thess.2:5-7,11; I Jh.3:1-3; Rev.1:19; 4:1-4, 19:7-9; Isa.2:1-4; 65:18-25; Dan.7:13-14; Mic.4:1-5; Zech.14:3-4; Mt.24:29-30; 25:31-46; 26:64; Mk.13:24-37; Acts.1:9-12; II Tess.1:7-10; 2:6-8; Jude.14,15; R;20:1-6).
19. That there is going to be PHYSICAL RESURRECTIONS of the dead – both the righteous and the wicked. The soul of man is immortal and therefore will continue to live and be conscious after death. The righteous dead will resurrect at the time of the rapture and the unrighteous dead will resurrect a thousand ears later, after the millennium kingdom. The righteous will resurrect to eternal blessedness and the unrighteous to eternal damnation (Job.19:25-27; Ps.71:20;Isa.14:9; Dan.12:2; Lk.16:19-21; Jh.5:28-29; I Cor.15:27-57; II Cor.5:8; Eph.4:8-10; Phil.1:21-24; 3:8-11; I Thess.4:13-16; Heb.6:1-2; 9:27; 12:22-23. Rev.6:9-11; 20:4-6, 12, 13).
20. That there will be a time of GREAT TRIBULATION in the world immediately after the rapture of he saint. During these 7 years period, he Antichrist will be the ruler of the world. This time will be a terrible period of suffering in the world because of the wrath of God, the wrath of Satan and the wrath of the Antichrist that will come upon the inhabitants of the world. The marriage feast of the Lamb will take place above while the Tribulation continues in the world (Dan.7:21-2; 8:9-12; 12:1; Mat.24:21-22, 29;Mk.13:12; II Thess.2:3-12; Rev.6:8, 9, 12-1; 9:1-21; 13:1-8).
21. That the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST immediately after the Great Tribulation will be jus as literal and visible as His going away after His resurrection, that His second coming will be to executive judgement upon te ungodly living nations of the world, to set up His kingdom and to reign in this world in this world for a thousand years (Joel.3:1-2; Mt.24:29, 30; 2:21-32; Jude.14, 15; Zech.12:10; Ezek.20:34-38; Rom.11:25-27; Isa.11:1-10; 35:1-10; Rev.20:4-6).
22. That Jesus Christ will reign literally in this present world for a period of one thousand years under the MILLENNIUM REIGN. His reign will bring to the world area period of joy, peace, blessing and experienced. And during this time Satan will be bound in the bottomless pit (Isa.2:2-4 ; 11:6-9; 65:25; Hos.2:18; Zech.14:19-20; II Thess. 1:7-10, Jude.14, 15; Rev. 20:2, 3).
23. That the present Heaven and te present earth will “pass away” and A NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH will be made by God and there people of God will dwell with Him forever. No unholy thing will be there, neither will there be nigh, curse, sorrow or weeping. It will be full of joy and everlasting blessedness (Ps.102:25, 2; Isa.51:6; 65:17; 66:22; Mt.5:18; 24:35; I Cor.13:12; II Pe.3:10-14; Rev.2:1-27; 22:1-21).
24. That the “LAKE OF FIRE” called hell will be the eternal home of Satan and his angels and all who lived their lives in godliness in the world. There they shall be tormented for ever and ever (Ps.9:17; Isa.66:22-24; Mt.5:22:-24,30; 25:46; Mk.9:43-48; Lk.12:4,5; 16:19-31; Rev.14:10,11; 20:11-15).